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carlove.cz 🚗 Vaše spolehlivá autopůjčovna v Praze
Výhodná autopůjčovna v PrazeAutopůjčovna Praha
K pronájmu 115

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Parking in Prague

Parking is allowed ONLY on the ground with a WHITE intermittent line. A sign, which indicates which days and hours you can park the car indicate the beginning of parking. Nearby there must be a parking machine that accepts the crowns and the euro. The price of parking depends on the place where you leave the car, on average 30-40 crowns per hour.

Parking on the blue and yellow lines (on the ground) is PROHIBITED!

BLUE ZONEOn the asphalt is marked by a blue solid line. Parking is prohibited on it (only for residents of the area). ORANGE ZONEOn the asphalt is indicated by WHITE intermittent line.
Parking is paid from Monday 8:00 to Friday at 20:00. Maximum time is 2 hours.

The maximum time of parking is 2 hours

PURPLE ZONEOn the asphalt is indicated by WHITE intermittent line.
Parking is paid from Monday 8:00 to Friday at 20:00.

(Can be different depends on the city district)

There are two types of parking machines:

  • An old sample with coins. It is necessary to throw the necessary amount into the machine (the time will be shown on the display), then click on the green button “tisk listku”. The coupon should be put under the windshield.
  • New parking machines with the ability to pay by card. You must enter the machine number and, by clicking on the plus, specify the desired amount and choose the payment method. The coupon should also be put under the windshield.
Parking in Prague

Parking in Prague

The amount of the penalty for parking in the wrong place / unpaid parking varies from 300 to 2,000 CZK. In addition, the car can be evacuated to a fine parking lot or lock the wheel.

List of underground parking in the center of Prague:

  • Shopping center Palladium. Address: Na Poříčí 3a, Praha 1;
  • Trading house Kotva. Address: Revoluční 1, Praha 1;
  • Parking lot Slovan. Address: Wilsonova 6, Praha 1;
  • Underground garages 50 meters from Wenceslas Street. Address: Opletalova 9, Praha 1;
  • Underground garages near Karlovo Namesti – Václavské garáže. Address: Václavská 18, Praha 2;
  • Trading house Nový Smíchov. Address: Plzeňská 8, Praha 5.

We have our own parking, but we do not provide space to customers, as it is used only for receiving and transferring cars.

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